Our Business Culture



Turning waste into value!

Taking account of the principles of “Efficient Use of Resources” and the essentials of the “United Nations Global Compact”, which we are one of the signatories, we aim to carry on our activities in an eco-sensitive state-of-mind for a sustainable future. We further undertake the following:

  • Within the scope of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, setting measurable goals, periodically assessing our performance based on these goals, and constantly improving our environmental management system.
  • Çevresel kirlenmenin önlenmesine dair gerekli tedbirleri almak. Taking necessary measures to prevent environmental pollution.
  • Protecting environmental and human health by respecting legal regulations.
  • Reducing energy consumption on a national scale, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse emissions to contribute to the global climate change combat.
  • Minimising air and wastewater emissions generated by our activities.
  • Protecting biodiversity, directly and indirectly, in all our activities.
  • Promoting, developing, and sustaining environmental awareness.
  • Developing innovative Technologies, bringing a new perspective to waste management.

Adding value to waste, we are displaying our determination and strength in climate change combat within the low-carbon economy.