Improvements 2022

Major improvement in capacity increase of plants
Major improvement in capacity increase of plants

Within the scope of its continuous improvement activities, Biotrend significantly increased its installed capacity at its Integrated Solid Waste Management Plants in Uşak, Bergama and İnegöl in 2022. With this increase in capacity across three plants, Biotrend reached a total installed capacity of 99.2 MWe.

Plastic Waste Chemical Upcycling Plant is being established in association with Honeywell
Plastic Waste Chemical Upcycling Plant is being established in association with Honeywell

Biotrend sets to establish a Plastic Waste Chemical Upcycling Plant, that is a pioneer in Turkey and across the globe in its field, aiming to repurpose plastics without economic value, that cannot be recycled into the circular economy as a sustainable raw material, and improving the efficiency of existing mechanical separation and material recovery plants. The plant will engage the Honeywell UOP’s UpCycle technology, which will set to turn 60 thousand tons of plastic waste in sustainable raw material per year. Simultaneously, the company established the “Biotrend Upcycling and Renewable Energy Technologies Industry Inc.” for recycling of plastic waste with advanced upcycling technologies and installation of renewable energy power plants for in-house consumption.

Carbon Agreement signed with Mundo Verde
Carbon Agreement signed with Mundo Verde

In October, as part of its carbon presence certification process aligned with the VERRA and ICR standards, Biotrend signed an agreement with the Swiss-based Mundo Verde to receive consulting services for VERRA and ICR projects, and to sell 4 million tons of carbon credits to VERRA projects.

Application made to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) for Electricity Storage
Application made to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) for Electricity Storage

Doğanlar Investment Holding Co. Inc., the controlling shareholder of Biotrend, has taken over its affiliate Doğan Kent Electric Energy Wholesale Inc. and, made an application to the Energy Market Regulation Board on 26.10.2022 for the project of 6 self-contained Electricity Storage Plants of a total installed capacity of 300 MWe, each being 50 MWe, in addition to its current electricity trading activities at Doğan Kent.

Kicking off our Sustainable Lease Certificate Export
Kicking off our Sustainable Lease Certificate Export

Upon the Executive Board decision of Biotrend on 31.10.2022, an application was made to the Capital Market Board of Türkiye (SPK) for Sustainable Lease Certificate export, that will be reserved without being domestically offered to the public and/or sold to qualified investors in agreements where the company will be the applicator of funds/parent organisation, and that will have an export cap of 500 million TL by the Development Investment Asset Leasing Inc. as the exporter organisation.

Women represent 33 percent of our Board of Directors at Biotrend which has become a signatory to the “UN Women” (United Nations Entity Dedicated to Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) agreement.
Women represent 33 percent of our Board of Directors at Biotrend which has become a signatory to the “UN Women” (United Nations Entity Dedicated to Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) agreement.

Biotrend, aligned with its “Social Inclusiveness and Gender Equality Action Plan”, signed the UN Principles of Empowerment of Women. Tripled independent female members now represent 33 percent of the Members of Board at Biotrend which started its transformation process from the Board of Directors.

Biotrend is the only Turkish company listed in the UNIDO Report (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation)
Biotrend is the only Turkish company listed in the UNIDO Report (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation)

“Value created from waste” is yet another accomplished initiative by Biotrend. Proudly announcing that it is the only Turkish company listed in the UNIDO Report, Biotrend’s Aydın-Çine Plant was selected as a pilot plant generating electricity from agricultural and forestry wastes. With this initiative, Biotrend significantly contributed to the five-year development plan signed with the UNIDO to enable further growth within the Turkish bioenergy market.

Sustainability Office established, Biotrend joined the Climate Finance Accelerator Program
Sustainability Office established, Biotrend joined the Climate Finance Accelerator Program

Biotrend established a Sustainability Office in April 2022 to reinforce communication efforts with its shareholders, and to improve its environmental, social and governance-related sustainability. Aiming to deliver the best waste, water, energy, and resource management for environmental sustainability management, Biotrend has started to work to establish a process and technology-oriented continuous improvement structure, whose performance indicators are determined. Social-wise, principles of “Talent Management and Employee Welfare” and “Local Socioeconomic Develeopment” are based upon while setting social performance indicators. Taking 2023 as the base year, Biotrend aims to increase its sustainability performance by measuring its performance according to the criteria determined in the coming years.

Aligned with its transparency principle of sharing all performance indicators related to its environmental, social, and governance initiatives, Biotrend answered a set of questions on the Carbon Disclosure Project for the first time in 2022. Biotrend is working on joining the Sustainability Index and the Corporate Management Index of Borsa Istanbul. On this journey, the company sets to periodically increase its sustainability performance while establishing uninterrupted communication with its shareholders through reports.