Investments in Integrated Solid Waste Management Service, Energy Generation, Waste Heat / Inert Heat Utilization and Carbon Certificate Production and Sales throughout Turkey.

2,445 tons of Waste Disposal and 5 million tons of CO2 emission prevention.

**With *30.09.2024 data
    • Commissioning of the Malatya Municipality Landfill Gas Power Plant

    • Commissioning of Sivas Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of İskenderun Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of Malatya-1 Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Establishment of Biotrend Enerji AŞ and acquisition of companies operating in the field of power generation from landfill gas and/or biomass, and waste management operations such as biomethanation, mechanical sorting, site management and greenhouse cultivation in Malatya, Sivas and İskenderun, respectively.
    • Commissioning of İnegöl-1 Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of İzmir Harmandalı Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of Balıkesir Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of Uşak Biogas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of İzmir Bergama Landfill Gas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of Aydın Çine Biomass Power Plant
    • Commissioning of İnegöl-2 Biogas Power Plant
    • Commissioning of Aksaray landfill gas power plant
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    • With the capacity increases in İnegöl Biogas and Bergama Landfill Gas Plants, we have reached an installed capacity of 96.4 MW in July (June 30: 92.2 MW)!


    • Sustainability:

    Establishment of Sustainability Office

    Carbon Certificate Projects (Verra VCS & GCC & ICR)

    UN Global Compact Contract Signature

    UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator

    First-Time Participation in Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

    Social Responsibility Projects & Awards (EBRD Sustainability Award)

    We Became the 100% Owner of our Subsidiary Biyomek. (June)


Biotrend Environment and Energy Investments

Doğanlar Holding subsidiary Biotrend Energy, alternative energy production investments in technological development, as well as its mission to invest in technological with the goal of becoming a production and application center in 2017. was established. Biotrend Energy has 9 integrated waste management and BES, 6 BES (Biomass Power Plants), 1 solid fuel preparation and 1 greenhouse facility, totaling 17 facilities. A total of 17 facilities in 9 provinces in 5 regions, converting garbage into electricity. meets the energy needs of thousands of households.

Leaving a clean, sustainable world for future generations Biotrend Energy, which works non-stop for continues to be one of the pioneers of the sector.

At 30.06.2024, the total installed capacity of the pre-licenses and licenses held by Biotrend Energy was 114.2 MWe. Total net electricity production reached 430.38 GWh.