Développements Majeurs 2024

Biotrend Turkey Waste Plastic Reduction Project (Biotrend PWRP)
Biotrend Turkey Waste Plastic Reduction Project (Biotrend PWRP)

Project Information and Purpose: The "Biotrend Turkey Waste Plastic Reduction Project" (Biotrend PWRP) involves multiple project activities across four sites developed by Biotrend Çevre ve Enerji Yatırımları A.Ş. and operated by four SPVs: Landfill Enerji Üretim A.Ş, İzmir Doğustar Enerji Üretim A.Ş, Doğustar Enerji Üretim A.Ş, and Uşak Yenilenebilir Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.

The project features a Mechanical Separation and Material Recovery Facility that mechanically collects plastic waste through municipal solid waste (MSW) management activities in the provinces of Bursa, Balıkesir, İzmir, and Uşak in Türkiye. The project receives mixed municipal solid waste and collects plastic waste through mechanical sorting. The sorted plastic waste is then either sent to intermediate or plastic recycling firms. The project's aim is to minimize environmental damage by collecting plastic waste, fostering recycling, and promoting a more sustainable future. The project manages various types of plastics, including flexible plastics (PP bags, white flexible LLDPE, colored flexible LLDPE) and rigid plastics (mixed plastic: HDPE & PP, black PP, PET). The project does not generate additional plastic waste during collection. All facilities are part of an integrated waste management plant with sanitary landfills. The collected plastic waste is sent to authorized recycling facilities, and the remaining portion is used as RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel) or disposed of in sanitary landfills, in compliance with environmental regulations. The project activity is expected to collect approximately 25,000 tonnes of plastic waste annually.

Operation of the Local Stakeholder Continuous Information Mechanism: Throughout the project's duration, feedback and input from stakeholders will be consistently collected and considered. Comments, recommendations, and grievances from primary stakeholders will be recorded and reported. Feedback channels have been established, including feedback forms at the project site, communication through village headmen, and direct meetings with company management if necessary. These channels ensure effective communication and resolution of any issues.

Verra Plastic Reduction Certificates: This project aims to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of plastic waste by obtaining Verra Plastic Reduction Certificates. These certificates verify and document the amount of plastic waste collected and recycled under the project. They support the project's goals of reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable waste management. For more information, please visit Verra's website:
